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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
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Emma Goldman Finishing School, The (EGFS)
"...an intentional community in the North Beacon Hill neighborhood of Seattle. Formerly known as the Beacon Hill House, we changed our name in 2003."

Erinyen Anarcha-Feminist Collective
"Although anarchism is, in theory, inherently feminist, the reality is often quite different. Erinyen was created out of a need to bring issues of dominance, alienation, lack of control and masked hierarchy more into the anarchist sphere..."

Eskalera Karakola, La (Spain)
"...es un centro que alberga diversos proyectos, todos impulsados por un deseo político de compartir espacios y vidas, de pensar mejor, de desafiar y reinventar el mundo desde una mirada feminista."

Eugene Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) (Oregon, USA)
"Why am I a wob? Start with the culture. I love the songs, the history and the like-minded (yet at the same time, unlike-minded) people who are drawn to the IWW. Over the years we've all come together with one thing in common-work...."

EuroMayDay - Ruhr (Germany)
"Mai zur ersten EuroMayDay-Parade nach Dortmund kamen. Von den Bier- und Bratwurst-Kundgebungen der DGB-Gewerkschaften konnte sich der Umzug nicht nur durch die bunten und kreativen Aktionsformen abheben...."

"Activists, artists, hackers, unionists, migrant associations, precarious2precarious networks, queer collectives, critical cyclists, leftist radicals of all stripes: red, black, green, pink, purple, silver...."

Exile Infoshop
"...a collectively-run, volunteer worker-owned and -operated project organized around the anarchist principles of anti-oppression, equality, community-building, and worker control."

Fédération Anarchiste (French)
"Nous propageons nos idées et voulons réaliser une révolution radicale et globale..."

Fédération internationale des centres d'études et de documentation libertaires (International Federation of Centres of Studies and Libertarian Documentation) (France)
"Annuaire, Bibliothèque La Rue, Centre Ascaso-Durruti, Montpellier, Centre de documentation libertaire, Lyon, CIRA Lausanne, CIRA Marseille, CRAS, Toulouse, liens..."

Factory, The (UK)
"We aim to create a non-hierarchical, safer space for everyone. You are responsible for yourself and your friends..."

Fantin Reading Group (Australia)
"...An anarchist reading group brought to you by the Melbourne Anarchist Club..."

Faslane Peace Camp
"Living and working together, organising ourselves and co-operatively helping each other. Faslane has done protests against faslane navy base, the nearby Coulport nuke storage..."

Federação Anarquista Gaúcha (FAG) (Gaucha Anarchist Federation) (Portuguese)
"...tentados diversos caminhos de atuação até um grupo de militantes optar pelo anarquismo especifista, isto é, por constituir uma organização política especificamente anarquista."

Federación Anarquista Uruguaya (FAU) (Uruguayan Anarchist Federation)
"Recordamos a todos los compañeros que con su lucha hicieron nuestra rica historia. Arriba los que luchan!!!"

Federación Libertaria Argentina (FLA) (Argentine Libertarian Federation)
"El Primer periódico de la Federación Libertaria Argentina (antes FACA) fue Acción Libertaria. Su primer número se publicó en septiembre de 1933 y dejó de editarse en marzo de 1971. Acción Libertaria cubre casi 40 años de historia..."

Federacja Anarchistyczna (Anarchist Federation) (Poland)
"...zrzesza osoby, których celem jest obalenie hierarchicznego porządku społecznego, zaprzeczającego idei wolności i demokracji. Zamiast niego dążymy do stworzenia samorządnego społeczeństwa, tworzonego na zasadzie dobrowolności."

Federazione Anarchica Italiana (FAI) (Italy)
"Abolizione dei Governo e di ogni potere che faccia la legge e la imponga agli altri: quindi abolizione di monarchie, repubbliche, parlamenti, eserciti, polizie, magistratura, ed ogni qualsiasi istituzione dotata di mezzi coercitivi...."

Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici (Federation of Anarchist Communists) (Italy)
"In coerenza con il principio di unità teorico-strategica e tattica contenuto nella Piattaforma dei Comunisti Anarchici del 1926, la FdCA si è dotata di proprie originali Tesi su cui è fondata l'unità dei militanti e quindi dell'organizzazione politica...."

Feira do Livro Anarquista (Anarchist Bookfair) (Portugal)
"À parte de toda a recuperação que se fazia por sindicatos e partidos de esquerda, existiam outros grupos com uma total recusa do Estado e da democracia, que escolhiam formas de luta mais radicais, que incluíam críticas ao quotidiano e uma prática de luta armada...."

Finding Our Roots (FOR)
"...an anarchist conference held annually in Chicago, IL. It was started in 2007, to meet the need for anarchist networking in the midwest/midsouth/no coast. Originally concepted as just a conference; this years' FOR will be part conference, and part anarchist book fair."

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