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Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian

organizations links

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

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Alianza de los Comunistas Libertarios (Mexico)
"¡Por la Unidad y Lucha de la Clase Trabajadora! De la farsa democrática de los ricos, a la lucha de los trabajadores por conquistar la libertad...."

Alliance of the Libertarian Left
"...a decentralized alliance of radical individualists, left libertarians, agorists, market anarchists, mutualists, voluntary socialists, and others on the libertarian left."

Alternative Libertaire (French)
"Une stratégie de transformation de la société, à partir de l'action autonome des mouvements sociaux et des contre-pouvoirs, et un projet de société que nous qualifions de << communiste libertaire >>. Entre le capitalisme privé et le communisme autoritaire : une alternative libertaire !"

Alternative Media Project (AMP)
"...the umbrella nonprofit for Infoshop.org, Practical Anarchy magazine, and several other publishing, journalism, and information dissemination projects."

Alternative Network for Eastern Europe
"...to help to coordinate anarchist activities in the region of Eastern Europe..."
http://alter.most.org.pl/fa/ ~ http://alter.most.org.pl/ ~ http://alter.most.org.pl/fa/index.htm

Alternatives Organizations Tour, The (Alt Orgs)
"...to meet, befriend, carouse with, entwine with, ally with those others who see something wrong with our world and who want to build a better place for us all. Instead of arguing with each other over our differences, we're choosing to reach out and find those things we can work together on."

Anarcha-L.A. (Los Angeles, California, United States)
"...a group of anarchists, feminists, and non-gender conforming individuals..."

Anarchisms Research Group (New York, USA)
"...dedicated to the facilitation of research into anarchisms and by anarchists, based in the City University of New York and the greater global community. We have a wiki-in-process..."
http://www.anarchisms.org/ ~ http://www.anarchisms.org/wiki.html

Anarchist Black Cross - Belfast (Ireland)
"...a revolutionary group, that works towards the abolition of the prison system as part of the class struggle."

Anarchist Black Cross - Berlin (Germany)
"... ist ein anarchistischer Zusammenschluss von Individuen, welche sich seit einigen Jahren zusammengefunden haben und von einem gemeinsamen Hass gegen diese kapitalistische Gesellschaft und deren Formen des Wegsperrens geprägt sind."

Anarchist Black Cross - Brighton (England)
"We support anarchist and other class struggle prisoners, fund-raise on behalf of prisoners in need of funds for legal cases or otherwise, and organize demonstrations of solidarity with imprisoned anarchists and other prisoners...."

Anarchist Black Cross Federation
"...on the frontline in supporting those imprisoned for struggling for freedom and liberty..."

Anarchist Black Cross Melbourne (ABC-Melbourne) (Australia)
"...have some groundbreaking grassroots articles coming up. Report backs from a Candle Vigil organised and hosted by Anarchist Black Cross Melbourne. A report back also on a solidarity action organised by the Free Pussy Riot Melbourne group and more."

Anarchist Bookfair (Canada)
"There are also workshops throughout the weekend, in English and French. Some are intended as introductions to anarchism for those who are new to anarchy, while others explore an anarchist-themed subject in some depth...."

Anarchist Bookfair (Dublin, Ireland)
"Across a variety of issues, topics and areas where non-hierarchical and autonomous practices have been crucial in helping create and sustain positive change, the workshops will create a different forum than meetings, with a more practical and participatory feel...."

Anarchist Bookfair (England)
"We have now booked the venue for the 2010 bookfair. We will, for the fourth year running, be holding the event at Queen Mary's, University of London on the Mile End Road...."

Anarchist Bookfair Lisbon (Portugal) 2008
"...- 23, 24 and 25th of May 2008, - Grupo Desportivo da Mouraria, - Lisbon..."

Anarchist Bookfair Lisbon (Portugal) 2009
"We want to go beyond information and opinion. Starting from different projects, we want to create a space for discussion, reflection, encounter and confrontation of anarchist ideas, where each one of these projects can develop...."

Anarchist Bookfair Lisbon (Portugal)
"...will occur from May 21st to the 23rd and, besides the stalls, discussions and encounters, we want to organize a poster exhibition that will try to comprehend focus of struggles from different places in which we recognize ourselves."

Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies (ADCS)
"...returns to a perennial concern - how our capacity for imaginative prefiguration and/or social intervention and/or self-actualization figures in the tensions that arise between the realities we seek to transform and our aspirations as anarchists (Allan Antliff)..."

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