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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

Viewing 561 - 580 of 620 Links for Anarchism Organizations.
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Sveriges Arbetares Centralorganisation (SAC) (Swedish Anarcho-Syndicalist Union)
"SAC är en facklig kamporganisation, byggd av arbetare, till försvar av våra gemensamma intressen på jobbet."

Swindon Anarchist Group (SwAG) (United Kingdom)
"... aims to bring together Anarchists based in Swindon and Wiltshire."

Syndicalist Workers' Federation (SWF-IWA)
"...advocates common ownership and workers' control of the land, industry and all means of production and distribution on the basis of voluntary co-operation."

Syndicat Interco Paris Nord de la CNT AIT, Le (France)
"...a section française de l'Association Internationale des Travailleurs, Internationale qui regroupe les anarcho-syndicalistes du monde entier."

Syracuse Solidarity Network
"...groups, projects & individuals ..AGAINST THE WAR .. AGAINST ALL OPPRESSIONS .. AGAINST THE STATE."
http://syracusesolnet.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.myspace.com/syracusesolidaritynetwork

Taala Hooghan Infoshop & Youth Media Arts Center
"Radical Books, Local CDs, DVDs, 'Zines & 'Zine Archive, Patches, Lending Library, Performance Space, Silkscreening, Movie Nights, DIY Art Nights, Gardening, discussion groups and much more!"

"Tachanka is an idea. It's the idea of providing technical services to emancipatory projects and groups of political change...."

Tacoma Anarchist Bookfair
"...an annual event hosted by anarchists in Tacoma WA with the intention of exposing anarchist ideas to the neighborhoods we inhabit."
http://tacomabookfair.tumblr.com/ ~ http://www.myspace.com/tacomabookfair

TAHRIR International Collective Network
"...similar objectives: the fight for a free and self-governed society based on tolerance, equality and openness, the society in which the social side is placed above the mercantile. It is those common goals which make a fear for the ruling and that is why they generate artificially the conflict of civilizations."

Take Back the Land Movement
"...a trans-local network of organizations engaged in autonomous campaigns tied together by a common objective: elevating housing to the level of a human right."

Tampereen Vapaaopisto (Finnish)
"Pyrimme siihen että oppimista ei luokiteltaisi ylempään ja alempaan, eikä oppikokonaisuuksia määritellä ylhäältä käsin. Taitojen ja tietojen jakamisen tulee perustua omiin haluihin ja tarpeisiin."

Taos Peace House and Infoshop, The (New Mexico, USA)
"...one of a growing number of progressive activist infoshops and peace centers. The global coordination office of Food Not Bombs started the Taos Peace House and Infoshop with a grant from Ben and Jerry's Foundation. The Taos Peace House continues to support the Saturday Food Not Bombs vegan meal at the Taos Plaza from 2 to 4 PM."

Team Victory Anarchist Collective
"We believe that it is time for the workers of the world to form one big union, and democratically control the means of production...."

Thurrock Radical Action
"We want to contribute to resistance, defending ourselves in our communities and workplaces, and ultimately helping co-ordinate activities to improve our quality of life...."

Toronto Anarchist Bookfair Collective, The (Canada)
"...strives to promote anarchism not only by means of the content of the weekend, but also through the Bookfair organizing process itself. In order to put our anti-authoritarian politics into practice, we organize non-hierarchically and are open to a vivid diversity of anarchist traditions, perspectives and visions."

Toyi Toyi Artz Kollektive
"Our objective is to teach new social values of unity and struggle against the negative effects of capitalist society and culture."

Transformative Studies Institute (TSI)
"Direct action to foster meaningful change and social justice..."

Trumbullplex, The
"... a housing collective composed of artists, musicians and local activists in the Woodbridge neighborhood of Detroit. We also have an active art space that has been operating for over 20 years."

Turnstyle (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)
"...a collectively run social space that provides resources for people and groups working on self-organised, non-hierarchical projects for radical and just damn funky social change."

Twin Cities Anarchist Bookfair (TCAB) & Festival of Anarchy!
"The festival will consist of diverse, anarchist-themed events occurring at various locations. Any person(s) can propose any type of event or activity - street theater, guerilla art, dance parties, music shows by the river - for inclusion in the event listing of the Festival of Anarchy."

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