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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

Viewing 241 - 260 of 620 Links for Anarchism Organizations.
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Finding Our Roots
"...a yearly conference in Chicago to discuss anarchist theory and action."
http://mayfirst.wordpress.com/ ~ http://www.findingourroots.org/

Firestorm Cafe & Books
"Established as a worker-owned and self-managed business, we aim to provide community space, critical literature and an alternative economic model based on cooperative, libertarian principles...."

First of May Anarchist Alliance (M1AA)
"Over the last year the Michigan-Minnesota Group has begun to reconstitute ourselves from a long-time affinity group into an anarchist organization of struggle, First of May Anarchist Alliance (M1). We aim to build a trans-continental anarchist organization..."

"...a response to the constant harassment and intrusive surveillance protesters received from Forward Intelligence Teams (FIT)."
http://fitwatch.org.uk/ ~ http://www.fitwatch.blogspot.com/

Flying Brick!, The: Richmond's Radical Info / Community Space
"We are a radical lending library and community space located at 506 S Pine Street in the historic neighborhood of Oregon Hill in Richmond, Virginia. Our collection includes books, zines, periodicals, and other media about class, labor, feminism, sex, queer issues, immigration, anarchism, DIY..."

Food Not Bombs
"The Food Not Bombs Movement"

Forest Cafe (Edinburgh, Scotland)
"...runs according to a working group structure, a horizontal participatory system which makes it easy to get involved. There are 7 general working groups, each with an open monthly meeting in the Action Room upstairs..."

Forum deutschsprachiger AnarchistInnen (Forum of German Anarchists)
"Unser Ziel ist eine herrschaftsfreie Gesellschaft ohne Grenzen, Klassen und Staaten auf Grundlage der freien Vereinbarung, der gegenseitigen Hilfe und des anarchistischen Föderalismus, der durch gebundene Mandate seitens der Basis gekennzeichnet ist."

Four Star Anarchist Collective (4SAO)
"...began in 2008, when a group of anarchists decided it was time to recreate an organized anarcho-communist presence in Chicago."

Free Association/Leeds May Day Group
"A reading group, a writing machine, an affinity group..."

Freedom Shop, The (New Zealand)
"...stocks books on radical and alternative political literature, from books to zines, also patches, badges, t-shirts and music. Our stock includes books on Feminism, Anarchism, Social Movements, Ecology, Colonisation, Anti-Racism and many more."

Free Mind Media
"...a non-profit collectively run community center. Our mission is to be a dynamic source of independent and alternative media, to spark debate and discussion..."

Free the Belgrade 6! Campaign
"Unscrupulous actions of regime's organs can be observed from the first moments of arrest, unlawful searches of their apartments, intimidations of their families to extreme charges of international terrorism..."

Freie Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiter-Union (FAU) (Germany)
"Die FAU ist eine anarcho-syndikalistische Gewerkschaftsföderation, die aus lokalen Syndikaten und Gruppen besteht."

Friendly Fire Collective
"...we have begun to develop a network for the production and distribution of media and the creation of spaces within our community to present and examine issues regarding the construction and support of a strong and dynamic Left."

Friends of the MST, The (FMST)
"...a network of individuals and organizations that support the Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) in the struggle for social and economic justice while securing respect for human rights."

Friends of the RNC 8
"...to fight the criminalization of dissent in Minneapolis and St. Paul during the 2008 Republican National Convention and to respond to the actions of the government in the Twin Cities before, during and after the RNC 2008 protests."

Friends of Tortuga
"On October 1st, 2009, at 6:00am, the Joint Terrorism Task Force (a union of local police departments and the FBI), kicked out the front door to our home-an anarchist collective house in Queens, NY, affectionately known as Tortuga..."

Fundació Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia, La (Catalan)
"Els objectius de la Fundació són: L'estudi i la investigació sobre els temes que afecten la joventut, l'educació i la participació, El foment de l'educació popular com a eina de transformació des de l'escola i l'associacionisme, La defensa universal dels drets humans..."

Fundación de Estudios Libertarios Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL) (Madrid, Spain)
"...tiene preparadas una serie de exposiciones para difundir el pensamiento libertario y su historia, algunas de ellas creadas a raiz del centenario de la CNT..."

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