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Total Archived Links: 58

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Modesto Anarcho Crew (MAC)
"...produces a quarterly journal, and is based out of the Central Valley town of Modesto, California. MAC is a street-based organization that exists to create revolutionary literature from a combative working class perspective."

Mondragón (Canada)
"We have no manager, and all worker members, regardless of starting skill or seniority, earn the same rate of pay. We call ours a 'participatory' workplace, after the participatory economic model..."

Monkey Junk Anarchist Collective
"Animals, Liberated Animals, Industry..."

Montreal Childcare Collective
"Grassroots childcare in the Montreal activist community..."

Mostre del Libre Anarquista de Barcelona (Spain)
"...donde ratas infectas habitan solares de antiguas viviendas, donde la policía tiene carta blanca en el acoso a quien no sea blanco ni occidental, donde el consumo es la mayor manifestación de solidaridad (con el euro)..."

Motmakt (Norway)
"Vi ser på dagens samfunn - kapitalismen - som et økonomisk fåtallsstyre. En liten elite bestående av kapitaleiere, politikere og offiserer kontrollerer samfunnet, mens resten av befolkningen må akseptere denne kontrollen i sitt daglige liv og virke."

Movimiento Libertario Cubano, El (MLC) (Cuban, Libertarian Movement)
"...intenta articular e incrementar el activismo revolucionario antiautoritario en Cuba, de manera particular y en el continente americano en general, con el objetivo de construir un movimiento anarquista más efectivo que participe activamente en las luchas del movimiento..."

Mreža anarhosindikalista i anarhosindikalistkinja (MASA) (Croatia)
"Anarhosindikalizam je anarhizam primijenjen na radnički pokret. Slobodarske organizacije kreću se od malih edukacijskih grupa do velikih i masovnih revolucionarnih sindikata, a kontrola se u njima provodi odozdo prema gore."

Mujeres Creando (Women Creating) (Bolivia)
"Nuestra forma de organización es asamblearia por lo cual nos reunimos a lo largo de toda Bolivia con distintos colectivos autónomos. Las asambleas feministas se celebran en Sucre, Cochabamba, Santa Cruz y otras regiones de Bolivia..."

Núcleo Pró-Sindivários Piracicaba COB/AIT - São Paulo (Brazil)
"... visando disponibilizar literatura em português de interesse para o anarcossindicalismo de forma acessível. Periodicamente, publicaremos livros, livretos e panfletos anarquistas e sindicalistas revolucionários para o movimento libertário brasileiro."

Núcleo Pró COB/AIT - Goiás (Brazil)
"Contra a patronal, ação direta sindical!!!!!!!!!!!! VIVA A SOLIDARIEDADE ENTRE TRABALHADORES!!! Viva a cob!! Viva a greve geral!!!!!!!!!!"

Natterjack Press (United Kingdom)
"...a non-profit anarchist book publishing and distribution collective based in the UK. We distribute anarchist, feminist, ecological, queer, anti-capitalist, anti-fascist and anti-racist books and information."

NC Rising 3 (Greensboro, North Carolina, USA)
"THIS weekend (May 27th-29th), Greensboro will be hosting the 3rd NC Rising, a statewide anarchist/anti-authoritarian conference for the total dismemberment of modern-day oppression and the construction of harmonious self-determination...."

Ne Laisson Pas Faire!
"Mobilisations, Communiqués, Matériel et Propagande, Militant-e-s d'AD, Bulletins, Liens..."

Network for Police Monitoring (NetPol) (UK)
"...the presence of trained legal observers to collect information for court proceedings and assist activists who are arrested or need medical attention, has become essential."

New Orleans Independent Media Center
"...local news, subscribe, calendar, publish..."

New World From Below, A: An Anarchist and Antiauthoritarian Convergence at the 2010 U.S. Social Forum
"We believe that social forums can greatly contribute to strengthening social movements both in the United States and internationally. The ecological destruction and economic disaster, coupled with disillusionment about the Obama presidency, makes the 2010 U.S. Social Forum (USSF) in Detroit an urgently needed convergence...."

New York City Anarchist Black Cross (NYC ABC)
"Free all U.S.-held political prisoners and prisoners of war!"

New York Metro Alliance of Anarchists (NYMAA)
"... a resource for members of NYMAA, as well as the general anarchist community in NYC and surrounding regions."

Next to Nowhere (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
"We come from a range of backgrounds in community activism, animal rights, the anti-war movement, anarchist groups and more...."

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