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Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

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Institute for Applied Autonomy (IAA)
"...founded in 1998 as a technological research and development organization dedicated to the cause of individual and collective self-determination."

Institute for Social Ecology (ISE)
"The Institute strives to be an agent of social transformation, demonstrating the skills, ideas and relationships that can nurture vibrant, self-governed, healthy communities...."

Instituto de Ciencias Económicas y de la Autogestión (ICEA) (Spain)
"Investigación de las formas económicas y sociales con las que sustituir el capitalismo por un sistema socio-económico basado en la autogestión...."

International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP)
"Typical topics that members work on include employee ownership, cooperatives, labor-management decision-making, co-determination, profit-sharing, non-profit organizations, and economic democracy...."

Internationalist Books & Community Center (North Carolina, USA)
"...a volunteer run collective, a not-for-profit bookstore, a progressive community center, and community owned cooperative. The store was founded in 1981 by political activist Bob Sheldon."

International Libertarian Socialist Alliance (ILSA)
"Libertarian socialism is an umbrella term which encompasses several different socialist tendencies, which although may disagree on certain tactical 'means', do not disagree on 'ends'."

International of Anarchist Federations (IAF or IFA)
"... founded during an international anarchist conference in Carrara in 1968 by the three existing european federations of France, Italy and Spain as well as the Bulgarian federation in french exile."

International Workers Association (IWA)
"Capitalism is organizing and is moving from the defensive position it found itself to an offensive strategy of attacking the working class on all fronts...."

Ipswich Anarchists (England, UK)
"We believe in direct action, mutual aid, solidarity and self organisation...."

Ivar Matlaus Bokkafe (Norwegian)
"...er en non-profit bokhandel/ infoshop som drives på idealistisk og kollektiv basis. Vi fører bøker, hefter og aviser innenfor en rekke politiske og sosiale emner."

IWA Global Day of Action
"The local federation of the FAS Vienna took part in the Global Action Day against Starbucks...."

IWW-Österreich: Internationale Gewerkschaft (IWW) (Austria)
"Wir, die österreichischen Wobblies sind momentan in zwei sogenannten general membership branch (regionale Einheiten der IWW, in der Mitglieder aus unterschiedlichen Berufen/Industrien organisiert sind) oder schlicht Ortsgruppe innerhalb der IWW-GLAMROC..."

James Collony Upstate New York Regional General Membership Branch of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) (New York, USA)
"It is in honour of his commitment to to cause of labour, his being one of the founders of the IWW, and the centennial aniversary of the founding of the IWW that our branch in 2005 chose to honour him with a presentation in Albany and by officially naming our branch in his name...."

Jesus Radicals
"...anarchism, as a political philosophy holds some promise for Christians because the two share a commitment to critiquing the power structures and working towards a more level playing field."

Just Books
"...a history in Belfast that stretches back to the opening of the original Smithfield shop in June 1978 by the Belfast Anarchist Collective."

Just Seeds
"... a decentralized community of artists who have banded together to both sell their work online in a central location and to collaborate with and support each other and social movements."

Kariva (Spanish)
"...como misión apoyar a comunidades, movimientos sociales y espacios de comunicación alternativa, y trabajar por la defensa de los derechos digitales. Propendemos hasta el máximo por una coordinación horizontal y la cooperación con colectivos afines en todo el mundo...."

Katipo Books (Aotearoa, New Zealand)
"...established in 2006 as a way to bring more radical and alternative educational material into circulation within Aotearoa/New Zealand. We're a small collective that aims to grow over time and expand the material we have available, through our online store and regular bookstalls at events such as speakers' evenings..."

Kebele Community Coop
"A space for organising, supporting and campaigning autonomously. Kebele is a community co-operative, run by volunteers on a not-for-profit basis and providing an alternative social space...."

Kebele Sound
"...a collective of on-it individuals with the shared aim of organising and supporting quality live music in a people friendly fashion."

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