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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Anarchism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 58

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Black Cross Collective
"First Aid for Radicals and Activists"

Black Rose Anarchist Library & Social Centre (Sydney, Australia)
"...to provide radical media and literature to our local community. We also offer use of the space to progressive political community groups for meetings and/or events."

Black Sheep Books
"As an all-volunteer project, we are operated by a five-member collective hand in hand with a group of dedicated volunteers. Our principle focus is to provide access to anti-authoritarian Left ideas..."

Black Swamp Autonomous Collective (BSAC)
"We very clearly reject capitalism, imperialism, colonialism and feudalism as well as all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalization...."

Blitz (Norway)
"Bakgrunnen for Blitz og lignende steder rundt omkring i landet og ellers i Europa, var ungdommens evige krav om noe så enkelt som et sted å være...."

Bloom Collective, The (Minessota, USA)
"...a lending library consisting of informative materials directed toward social justice. Collectively we strive to offer materials that cover issues which are so often neglected in our society. We wish to provide and accept information to our neighborhood and communities..."

Blue Anarchy Sea Collective
"Stories of maniac sailors, anarchist cast-aways, and the voyage of the S/V Pestilence..."

Boston Anarchist Black Cross (Boston ABC)
"Prison abolition, community defense, prisoner support, letter writing, knowing your rights..."

Boston Anti-Authoritarian Movement (BAAM)
"... anarchist organizations should not be configured in such a way that conflicts with the ultimate goal of a classless, stateless society."

boum.org (France)
"Afin d'éviter la concentration de pouvoir entre les mains de quelques spécialistes, la mécanique interne du serveur boum.org repose sur la communisation de savoirs et le décloisonnement - le nivellement par le haut...."

Bound Together Anarchist Collective Bookstore (San Francisco, California, USA)
"Bound Together is an all-volunteer run bookstore dedicated to promoting anarchist ideas and making available anarchist and other literature seldom found in most traditional bookstores."

Bound Together Anarchist Collective Bookstore Blog
"Our selection includes anarchist theory, history, biographies, other political literature, budget editions of classic books, zines, CDs, DVDs, comics, pamphlets and poetry, plus a free section with the best Bay Area alternative news and miscellaneous other stuff people have left to share...."

Bound Together Bookstore
"... anarchist collective bookstore..."

Brighton Women's Health Collective (England)
"Our politics come from an anarcha-feminist viewpoint. This is where we come from and back round again to, whilst wrangling and debating in between...."

Brisbane Solidarity & Mutual-aid Network (BSMN) (Australia)
"...aims to collectively confront abusive behaviour committed by landlords and bosses. We believe that by working together, workers and tenants can protect themselves from exploitation and begin to build the foundations for a better world."

Bristol Anarcha-Feminists
"The Bristol anarcha-feminist group meets twice a month. Meetings are held at the Smiling Chair, 40 Stokes Croft. It's pink. 1st Thursday of the month, 7.30pm, organising meeting...."

Bristol Co-Mutiny
"...drawn together by the common threads of our indignation at how a combination of corporate greed, social injustice and environmental degradation is leading us all towards climate chaos and financial collapse."

Bristol Emporium
"The Emporium is a horizontally organised space; by using the the space you become part of an on-going community-based project...."
http://emporium37.wordpress.com/ ~ http://emporium37.blogspot.com/

Bristol Housing Action Movement (BHAM)
"...a non-heirarchical collective of sqatters and their supporters. We help provide housing and other support for homeless people."

Bristol Hum, The (England, UK)
"Old & new friends came together,with a renewed hope & enthusiasm ( & a few beers) to bring together, a new Bristol Class War group."

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