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Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) (Darmstadt, Germany)
"Weil wir selbst von der politischen einstellung her anarchisten und kommunisten sind und weil wir die notwendigkeit sehen sich zu organisieren und nationale, sowie internationale verknüpfungen aufzubauen."

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) (Madrid, Spain)
"Allá por el año 1993 nace en Madrid Resistencia Skinhead, un colectivo formado por skinheads comunistas y anarquistas, con la idea de aglutinar a todos los rapados de Madrid con estas ideas y formar un nexo de unión que hasta entonces no se había planteado en nuestra ciudad..."

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) (Paris, France)
"Viscéralement opposés à l'enfermement d'État, au système capitaliste, à toutes les formes de fascisme, investis dans les combats de notre temps, convaincus qu'un autre futur est possible, nous ouvrons nos colonnes aux dissidents culturels, politiques et anarcho-syndicalistes...."

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH) (Rome, Italy)
"Siamo ragazzi, uomini, donne. Veniamo dalle grandi periferie romane: dai quartieri-simbolo della lotta partigiana contro l'invasore nazi fascista, dai quartieri-ghetto dei giovani nati nel posto sbagliato al momento sbagliato."

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH-NORD) (North Germany, Germany)
"Hallo liebe GenossInnen und FreundInnen unserer Subkultur!"

Red and Anarchist Skinheads (RASH-Northeast) (New York City, USA)
"We are a solidarity/mutual aid network and social/athletic network for NYC low lives and beer-drinking slobs. We will use this as the basis for all political activity."

Red and Black Publishers (Florida, USA)
"We are a small publishing company in St Petersburg, Florida, specializing in books about history, political and social criticism, classic literature and science, alternative religions, and exotic pets...."

Red Libertaria de Buenos Aires (Argentina)
"...se propone que el anarquismo vuelva a estar presente en las calles, en las fábricas y talleres, en los colegios y facultades, en los barrios y asentamientos."
http://www.redlibertaria.com.ar/ ~ http://www4.autistici.org/rlba/

Red Lion Publishing
"...in 1995 we began to publish a series of chapbooks from 12 to 20 pages on labour history and anarchism. Since that time we have sold or distributed more than 6500 of these chapbooks."

Red Skins Russia
"Мы уверены, что переход к бесклассовому обществу произойдет через постепенное отмирание государства как такового. Естественно это далёкая перспектива, но к ней надо стремиться, будущее за коммунизмом!"

Redwood Curtain CopWatch (California, USA)
"...based in the north coast of California, is part of a larger movement of self organized CopWatch groups throughout the US. Our local efforts seek to intervene in the drastic rise of the presence, militarization, and violence of the police..."

Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) Conference
"...aims to provide a scholarly space in which to both reexamine and reinvigorate the social and political tradition of anarchism."

Resist! Collective, The
"...a group of Vancouver-based activists working to provide communications and technical services, information and education to the greater activist community. The Resist! Collective (Resist!) and resist.ca project grew out of the old Vancouver TAO collective."

Resistance Studies (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
"In an attempt to remedy the lack of academic study in the field of resistance to power and its social transformation the School of Global Studies at University of Gothenburg has launched this Resistance Studies Network...."

Respect Anarchist Group
"Our liberation from oppression, exploitation and violence will be secured by our own efforts, and not through a change in authority. It is only through our own free organisations that we will arrive at the threshold of social revolution, complete freedom and authentic equality...."

Revolt Video Collective (Dublin, Ireland)
"A video Activist Collective Open to All! Our goals include...Physical and Virtual Distribution of Irish Activist Video. Workshops and Skill Sharing. Ambitious video projects chosen via consenus and tackled collectively..."

Revolutionary Anarcha-feminist Group (RAG)
"We are a group of anarchafeminists based in Dublin, Ireland. Our goal is to produce a magazine that highlights the important issues from the world around us, from history, and from our everyday lives...."

Revolutionary Anarchafeminist Group (RAG) (Dublin, Ireland)
"...a magazine produced by a diverse group of anarcha-feminist women in Dublin. We are all feminists, united in our recognition that women's subordination exists."

Revolutionary Autonomous Communities (RAC)
"...1st Zine of the Revolutionary Autonomous Communities; Primera Revista Zine de las Comunidades Autonomas Revolucionarias..."

Rhizome Collective, The (Texas, United States)
"...a non-profit organization based out of a former brownfield on the East Side of Austin, Texas. We are a consensus-run organization."

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