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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Racism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 30

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Lakeshore Ethnic Diversity Alliance (LEDA)
"...works to dismantle barriers to ensure people of all ethnic background have equal access and opportunity to participate fully in the life of the community."

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights (LCCR)
"... champions the legal rights of people of color, poor people, immigrants and refugees, with a special commitment to African-Americans."

Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law
"...a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization, was formed in 1963 at the request of President John F. Kennedy to involve the private bar in providing legal services to address racial discrimination."

Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights (LCCR & LLCREF)
"... the nation's oldest and largest civil rights coalition, consisting of nearly 200 national organizations, representing persons of color, women, children, labor unions, individuals with disabilities, older Americans, major religious groups, gays and lesbians and civil liberties and human rights groups."

Leadership Development in Interethnic Relations (LDIR)
"...a program that works to empower, mobilize and equip multiethnic, multicultural, and multi-identity individuals, communities, schools, and organizations with awareness, skills and the action steps necessary to foster positive and sustainable intergroup relations for social change."

League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)
"...to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States."

Let's Build a U.S. for All of Us: No Room for Racism
"...a national call to action and a growing network of white people working to counter the racism we see, hear and feel in strategies and tactics of the nations's right wing and some in the media."

Lewisham Anti-Racist Action Group (LARAG) (South London, England)
"We are currently discussing initiatives to build the anti-fascist awarenesss in south east London in the coming months. We recommend the recent election briefing produced by UAF: see detailed analysis on web site. We urge all members to circulate this to local community groups, particularly union branches."

Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA) (France) (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism)
"Depuis plus de trois quarts de siècle, la LICRA est en première ligne dans les combats incessants contre l'abjection, l'aberration que symbolise le refus de l'autre en raison de ses différences. Ces combats, la LICRA les mène en France mais aussi sous toutes les latitudes, par le biais des sections qui, au fur et à mesure, se sont implantées à travers le monde entier."

Ligue Internationale Contre le Racisme et l'Antisémitisme (LICRA) (Switzerland) (International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism)
"Elle défend en particulier les droits moraux et patrimoniaux de ses membres contre tout racisme, antisémitisme ou xénophobie, ainsi que le droit à l'existence et à la paix des victimes du racisme, de l'antisémitisme et de la xénophobie. Elle combat par tous les moyens la négation des génocides et l'apologie des crimes contre l'humanité"

Little Rock Nine Foundation
"Forged in the crucible of fierce opposition to the educational pursuits of nine young black children, the Foundation is dedicated to the proposition that racist ideology will not dictate educational policies and practices in the 21st Century...."

Liverpool Antifascists (United Kingdom)
"...dedicated to driving fascism from the streets of Liverpool. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities, and organisations wherever and however they occur."

"In an effort to create lifelong learners and leaders within the Hispanic community, LNESC strives to provide the highest quality educational opportunities possible. We seek to develop America's future workforce by effectively preparing young people for the jobs of the new economy...."

Lolo Diklo: Rromani Against Racism
"We are an organization dedicated to raising awareness about the history, culture and true lives of Romani people worldwide. We confront racism and oppression wherever we encounter it. We try to make connections with all the 'isms' that make up western culture."

Los Angeles Brown Berets (California, USA)
"...the latest news and updates from Los Angeles Brown Berets Autonomous Chapter...."

Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR)
"Our music is living testimony to the fact that cultures can and do mix. It unites us and gives us strength, and offers a vibrant celebration of our multicultural and multiracial society. Racism seeks only to divide and weaken us. Love Music Hate Racism (LMHR) was set up in 2002 in response..."

Lowitja Institute, The (Australia)
"...an innovative research body that brings together Aboriginal organisations, academic institutions and government agencies to facilitate collaborative, evidence-based research into Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health."

Magenta: Bites the Hands that Feed Discrimination
"Magenta was founded in 1992 and in 1994 it was the first organization fighting discrimination on and through the Internet. Today Magenta is still known for introducing groundbreaking projects..."

Making Multicultural Australia for the 21st Century
"...assisting young people, parents, teachers and the community to explore Australia's cultural diversity, tolerance and anti-racism."

Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, The
"...an organization of Afrikans in America/New Afrikans whose mission is to defend the human rights of our people and promote self-determination in our community."

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