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Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice North Jersey (SHARP)
"...it'll be runnin soon.......promise."

Solid Ground (SG)
"...dedicated to achieving a just and caring community, free from poverty, prejudice and neglect."
http://www.solid-ground.org/ ~ http://www.fremontpublic.org/

Somerset Racial Equality Council (SREC)
"Working in partnership with individuals and organisations for a fair and just society which values diversity and gives everyone an equal chance to work, learn and live free from discrimination, prejudice and racism."

SOS Mitmensch (Austria) (German)
"...ist eine Pressure Group, die sich lautstark und tatkräftig für die Durchsetzung der Menschenrechte einsetzt. Unser Ziel ist die Gleichberechtigung und Chancengleichheit aller Menschen."

SOS mod Racisme, Danmark (SOS Against Racism, Denmark) (Danish)
"...er en international tværpolitisk bevægelse med afdelinger i Europa, Afrika og Nord- og Sydamerika. SOS mod Racisme, Danmark er en landsdækkende organisation med lokalafdelinger i København og Randers."
http://www.sosmodracisme.econtent.dk/ ~ http://www.sosmodracisme.dk/

SOS Racisme (SOS Racism) (Catalonia, Spain)
"...és una associació no governamental que lluita des del 1989 en defensa dels drets humans des de l'acció antiracista."

SOS Racismo
"...existe desde 1990 e propõe uma sociedade mais justa, igualitária e intercultural onde todos, nacionais e estrangeiros com qualquer tom de pele, possam usufruir dos mesmos direitos de cidadania."

Southern Anti-Racism Network (SARN)
"...develops campaigns and projects in the South led by people of color to address racial disparities in education, health care and economic opportunities. We work across the fault lines of race, gender, class, age and immigration status."

Southern Institute for Education and Research
"... a non-profit race relations center dedicated to improving ethnic relations in the Deep South through tolerance education and communications training."

Southern Regional Council
"...engaged communities for more than eight decades..."

South Side Chicago Anti-Racist Action (ARA)
"We go where they go: Whenever fascists are organizing or active in public, we're there. We don't believe in ignoring them or staying away from them. Never let the nazis have the street!"
http://southsideara.blogspot.com/ ~ http://southsideara.wordpress.com/

Spokane Anti-Racist Action (SARA/Spokane ARA)
"...part of a decentralized network of anti-fascist and anti-racists in North America. Anti-Racist Action activists organize actions to disrupt neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups, and help organize activities against fascist and racist ideologies."

Stand Against Racism
"...a movement of the YWCA with the goal of bringing people together from all walks of life - across the country - to raise awareness that racism still exists."

Stop Racism and Hate Collective (Canada)
"...information about antidemocratic, right-wing and nazi organizations..."

Students and Teachers Against Racism (STAR)
"Through education and public service we seek to support the well being of Native American children and to raise public awareness of the stereotyping, discrimination, racism and other unique situations facing all Native Americans."

Tanenbaum: Religious Diversity in Workplaces, Schools, and Healthcare
"People of all beliefs, from the most religiously devout to the most committed atheist, can live, learn and work peacefully together. Not just in a wary truce, but in a spirit of true respect."

Teachers Against Prejudice
"...fighting prejudice, intolerance and bigotry through education..."

"All languages of the world must, and do contribute to the brotherhood of mankind. Contrary to what many people used to believe, a language is not only a grammatical structure, a set of interconnected words, in agreement with a syntactic code, but also, and especially, a creation of meaning based upon our senses...."
http://www.tlaxcala-int.org/ ~ http://www.tlaxcala.es/

Toronto SHARP (SkinHeads Against Racial Prejudice)
"A growing crew of like minded traditional and anti-racist skinheads (coming from both the left and right wing side of the political fence) who are tired of Neo-Nazi boneheads ruining a good scene...."

Tyne and Wear Anti Fascist Association (TWAFA)
"...a voluntary organisation with a wide membership of local people.We are concerned that people continue to understand the threat of fascism and the new nazis."

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