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off our backs (OOB)
"...a nonprofit organization run by a collective where decisions are made by consensus. Formerly a print news journal by, for, and about women, off our backs was published from 1970 to 2008."

Opportunity For Advancement (OFA)
"...works with women in disadvantaged life situations. While poverty is an issue for almost all the women, other factors create additional barriers to well-being and equal participation in society."

Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS)
"...also known as the Boston Women's Health Book Collective (BWHBC), is a nonprofit, public interest women's health education, advocacy, and consulting organization."

Oxford Feminist Network (OFN)
"A network for women (including cis and trans) identifying as feminist or pro-feminist and their allies from across Oxfordshire...."

PeaceWomen Project, The
"...promotes the role of women in preventing conflict, and the equal and full participation of women in all efforts to create and maintain international peace and security."

PINAY: Filipino Women's Organization in Quebec / Organisation des femmes Philippines du Québec
"PINAY, founded in 1991, is a Filipino Women's Organization that works to empower and organize Filipino women in Quebec, particularly Filipino domestic workers...."

Pussy Riot USA
"An anonymous feminist punk collective in resistance to the war on women."

Radical Catholic Feminists Organization of Smith (RCFOS)
"...offers a caring, inclusive environment dedicated to spiritual development. All are welcome on the journey!"

Radical Women: Revolutionary, Socialist Feminist
"A trailblazing socialist feminist organization, Radical Women is the revolutionary wing of the women's movement and a strong feminist voice within the Left."

Revolutionary Association of Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
"If you are freedom-loving and anti-fundamentalist, you are with RAWA."
http://www.rawa.org/ ~ http://www.rawa.org/index.php

SDS Womyn's Caucus Blog
"This blog is a space for women and gender variant folks (basically non-cismen*) to share experiences, interests, stories, opinions, etc in a supportive environment, to politically analyze those experiences and to have a unified apparatus to present this information to others...."

Sikh Feminist Research Institute, The (SAFAR)
"...to cultivate Sikh feminism and to develop the theoretical analysis required to address the social, economic and political issues that have given rise to and continue to contribute to the present state of gender inequality."

Simone de Beauvoir Institute's blog
"...established in 1978 to provide a foundation for the interdisciplinary teaching of, and research in, Women's Studies."

Society for Social and Political Philosophy (SSPP)
"To raise the interest and promote the scholarship in Social and Political Philosophy from historical, continental, and feminist perspectives..."

Sociologists for Women in Society
"An organization of social scientists fostering social equality for women..."

Sosyalist Feminist Kolektif (SFK) (Turkey)
"Kadınların aile içinde maruz kaldıkları şiddet karşısında güçlendirilmeleri, namus cinayetlerinin ifşa edilmesi ve cezalandırılması , kadın istihdamının artırılması, kadınların eğitime katılımlarının önünün açılması, Anayasa ve yasalarda kadınların durumunun çeşitli düzenlemelerle güçlendirilmesi gibi hedefler için pek çok kadın grubu seferber olmuş durumda."

Swansea Women's Centre (Wales)
"...a charity based in Swansea and open to all women in the Swansea and wider South Wales area. The Centre offers a range of activities and facilities for women including courses, workshops, groups, drop-ins, and information and resources."

UK Feminista
"...supports people to campaign for a world where women and men are equal. Why? Because despite massive advances in the status of women, gender inequality remains rife in the UK and across the world."

Violence is Not our Culture (VNC) Campaign, The
"...a global network of organisations and individuals committed to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women being justified in the name of culture / religion."
http://www.violenceisnotourculture.org/ ~ http://www.stop-stoning.org/

Visions in Feminism (ViF Collective)
"Each year Visions in Feminism seeks to provide a forum for diverse perspectives on feminist praxis. The conference not only sustains a feminist dialogue that will keep the movement relevant, but also hopes to inspire action by those in attendance...."
http://www.vifcollective.com/ ~ http://www.visionsinfeminism.org/ ~ http://vifconference.wordpress.com/

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