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Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement (1848 - 1998)
"1998 was the 150th Anniversary of the Women's Rights Movement, launched at the world's first Women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York. Throughout 1998, the tremendous positive changes brought about by the movement were celebrated in offices, schools, and communities nationwide in thousands of events...."

London Feminist Network, The (LFN)
"...a women-only feminist networking and campaigning organisation that is based in London, UK. LFN was formed in 2004 to unite London-based feminist groups and individuals in action! We currently have more than 1,600 members."

London Pro-Feminist Men's Group
"...to support each other in our personal struggles as men, including our efforts to rid ourselves of sexist behaviour..."

Melbourne Feminist Collective, The (MFC)
"...made up of a diverse group of feminists committed to reigniting a broad-based feminist movement in Melbourne. We are a non-aligned group of community activists, seeking to move beyond old divisions in the feminist movement by focusing on what unites rather than divides us."

Motherhood Initiative for Research and Community Involvement, The (MIRCI)
"...the newly launched feminist scholarly and activist organization on mothering-motherhood, developed from the former Association for Research on Mothering at York University (1998-2010)."

Mount Holyoke College Feminist Collective
"...a safe space open to all women on campus. It is a resource with information on women-related issues and current events, both on campus and in the area. We sponsor both educational and cultural events in the hope of creating a diverse group of interconnected women."

Ms. Foundation for Women
"...a social justice foundation, delivers strategic grants, capacity building and leadership development..."
http://ms.foundation.org/ ~ http://www.raisethefloor.org/

Muslim Women's League (MWL)
"...a non-profit Muslim American organization working to implement the values of Islam and thereby reclaim the status of women as free, equal and vital contributors to society."

"...a group of young feminists who are working together to recreate a world free from sexism, and all other forms of exploitations and discriminations that collaborate with it: classism, heterosexism, racism, capitalism, etc."
http://www.nasawiya.org/ ~ http://www.feministcollective.com/

National Organization for Men Against Sexism (NOMAS)
"...an activist organization of men and women supporting positive changes for men. NOMAS advocates a perspective that is pro-feminist, gay affirmative, anti-racist, dedicated to enhancing men's lives, and committed to justice on a broad range of social issues including class, age, religion, and physical abilities."

National Organization for Women (NOW) (Seattle, Washington State, USA)
"As part of the largest multi-issue feminist organization in the U.S., Seattle NOW's goal is to take action to bring about equality and justice for women."

National Organization for Women (NOW)
"...taking action for women's equality since 1966..."

National Women's History Museum, The (NWHM) (USA)
"...to build a world-class museum at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. The National Women's History Museum currently raises awareness and honors women's diverse experiences and achievements through its dynamic online museum, educational programs, scholarship and research."

National Women's Law Center (NWLC)
"...educating the public about ways to make the law and public policies work for women and their families."

National Women's Liberation (NWL)
"...a feminist group for women who want to fight back against male supremacy and win more freedom for women. We believe that change comes about from the actions of everyday people-not politicians, the courts, lobbyists, or the media."

National Women's Studies Association (NWSA)
"...dedicated to leading the field of women's studies and gender studies, as well as its teaching, learning, research, and service wherever they be found."

Native American Women's Health Education Resource Center (NAWHERC)
"...works to protect the health and human rights of Indigenous Peoples pertinent to our communities through cultural preservation, education, coalition building, community organizing..."

Next GENDERation Network
"...a transnational European network of students, researchers and activists with an interest in feminist theory and politics, and their intersections with anti-racist, migrant, lesbian, queer and anti-capitalist struggles."

Not My Gal: Feminist is Not a Dirty Word
"We're a group of women who are committed to redefining what it means to be a Feminist of the 3rd wave. And that means taking back our words, and being proud to identify as a feminist."

OBJECT (United Kingdom)
"...an award-winning human rights organisation specifically set up to challenge the sexual objectification of women. We were set up in 2003 because of an ever-accelerating culture of objectification..."

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