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Green, and Eco-Friendly

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"His struggle caught the attention of international environmentalists who saw Chico's resistance movement as a fight to save the rainforest."

Columbia Eagle Hijacking
"By: John Hanna, founder of the original ELF environmental guerrilla unit in 1977...."

Compost This!: Gardening Tips & Environmental Rants!
"I've been a gardener since I could play in the dirt. Grew up in central Illinois where the top soil is 5-8 feet in most places. I'm an urban environmentalist. By living in the most densely populated area of the city, I share my footprint with my neighbors, thereby lessening my impact on nature elsewhere...."

"Green Eco-Friendly Water-Based T-Shirt Screen Printing Since 2001..."

"Our goal: a one-stop, multi-tiered communication resource to create and respond - week by week, month by month, year by year - to energy industry narratives. A counter-narrative that takes on corporate and governmental spin, to keep the truth in the news and inspire positive change for our world in the wake of disaster."

CrimethInc Northstar
"...a heart-wrenching story recounting the adventure of two youngsters and the secret world hidden behind their homes."

Current Mass Extinction, The
"Human beings are currently causing the greatest mass extinction of species since the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago."

Daly City Greens
"A liberty once relinquished cannot easily be regained!"

Dam Reservoir Info & Impact Archive
"The impacts listed on this site are based on peer-reviewed literature, none of it contentious, much of it now 30 or more years old..."

"...to bring together leading experts and local contributors in dialogue with audience members to translate degrowth concepts into action."

Deep Ecology
"Deep ecology, ecofeminism, ecocentrism, biocentrism, social ecology and more..."

Deep Green Philly (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
"...a podcasting and news website inspired first and foremost by the certainty that we are on the wrong path as a species. Oil spills, destruction of other species and their habitats, nuclear meltdowns, trash strewn oceans, carcinogens in our air and drinking water, runaway global warming...."

Deep Green Resistance News Service, The
"...an educational wing of the DGR movement, dedicated to broadcasting news related to our current ecological and social predicament, and working to encourage strategic resistance against the forces underlying it."

Desert Rock Energy Project, The
"...we cannot afford to rest, because those who would use and abuse our sacred homelands for profit do not rest."

DeSmogBlog Project, The
"An overwhelming majority of the world's climate scientists agree that the globe is warming - the world's climate is changing - and that the indiscriminate burning of fossil fuels is to blame. We know that the risks are incalculable..."

Discounted Casualties - The Human Cost of Depleted Uranium
"... people exposed to depleted uranium and other toxic substances, and now tormented by leukemia and a whole array of chronic disorders."

Do or Die (DoD)
"...an occasional journal published in the UK from 1992-2003, crammed with reports and analysis from the world-wide ecological frontlines."

Dreamer Propulsion Project, The
"...Bio-fuels, Poverty and Homelessness, The Highly Sensitive Activist..."

E, the Environmental Magazine
"... chock full of everything environmental -- from recycling to rainforests, and from the global village to our own backyards."

Earth-First.net: No Compromise in Defense of Mother Earth
"...current network site..."

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