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Green, and Eco-Friendly

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The current Featured Link for Surviving Oppression is Support Vegans in the Prison System (Support VIPS) : "...a volunteer based group working to help vegan individuals live a healthy vegan lifestyle, which is an expression of their deeply held ethical values. We act as a crucial link between the incarcerated community and the Bureau of Prisons, provide information about veganism to the prison population..." -- Find similar and related links in the Animal Rights, Vegetarian, and Vegan Directory.
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Rethink Recycling
"...to increase the efficiency and environmental effectiveness of the region's solid waste management system. The SWMCB is proud to sponsor its current campaign, RethinkRecycling.com."

"Everything you need to know about rewilding and this forum."
http://www.rewildportland.com/ ~ http://www.rewild.info/

Right-to-Know Network, The
"With the information available on RTK NET, you can identify specific factories and their environmental effects; find permits issued under environmental statutes; and identify civil cases filed."
http://www.rtknet.org/ ~ http://www.rtk.net/

RiverNet, the Portal for Living Rivers
"... promote the sustainable wise management of living rivers and water in opposition to the exploitation, pollution and degradation that has occurred in the past."

Sacred Lands
"...to remind the people of the Earth about the interconnectedness of all life by promoting community, sustainability, diversity, and ecological balance."

Safer Pest Control Project (SPCP)
"What's not so obvious are the serious health consequences of pesticides. The 'solution' can be more dangerous than the problem, especially among children..."

San Diego Earth Times (SDET)
"...presents articles covering a wide variety of local, national and international environmental topics."

Save Indus
"Sindh opposes construction of Kalabagh Dam, because it is environmentally hazardous, and it is intended for stealing Sindh's share of Indus water..."

Saving the Spoon Billed Sandpiper
"The spoon-billed sandpiper Eurynorhynchus pygmeus is one of the most threatened birds on the planet. It breeds on the Chukotsk and Kamchatka peninsulas in the Russian Far East, migrates through Russia, Japan, North Korea, South Korea and China to winter in Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand, 8,000km from its breeding grounds."

"Smash and burn....something!"

Seeds of Deception
"Many consumers in the US mistakenly believe that the FDA approves GM foods through rigorous, in-depth, long-term studies. In reality, the agency has absolutely no safety testing requirements...."

Shadoran Movement, The
"To walk bare foot through a wilderness of untouched beauty is not just an experience but an honour where you are connected to the earth upon where you stand and true freedom is realised. Think of the Earth as our mother..."

Shadoran Nomad, The
"This blog is about my personal journey to become a modern Shadoran Nomad. It has been many years in the making but I feel I am at the stage in my life where I am ready to take that first step and live off grid, separate from the 'advances' of society in the Wilderness...."

So Fresh and So Green
"...city life, urban art, the youth, Hip Hop and lots of music. The Green deals with environmental issues on different levels from public policy to bodega food nutrition to finding out what a green job is and what it means for you. Come for The Fresh, stay for The Green."

SolComHouse (Solar Computer House)
"...provides information on numerous environmental and world issues, such as solar energy, rainforests, coral reefs, ozone, global warming, endangered species, recycling, and things you can do to protect the environment."

Sonoran Desert Resistance
"A collection of resistance related quotes, art and poetry, mostly focused on the Deep Green Resistance."

Spoil Notes
"...makes reference to seven of the largest oil giants of recent decades; and through allegory, metaphor, detourned emblems and symbolism show some of their 'footprints' on the world."

Streetsblog New York City
"We are part of a growing coalition of individuals and organizations in cities around the world working to transform our cities by reducing dependence on private automobiles and improving conditions for cyclists, pedestrians and transit riders...."

Super Green Me
"The Super Green Me site offers each person all the practical tools to better understand how to adapt and personalise their response to reducing their carbon footprint, and the amount of resources they consume...."

Super Promo: Climate on Sale, Guaranteed Profit!!
"...4. Pollutant emissions are now made into tradable commodities; A new speculative market is born. 5. Make the whole system as obscure as possible, and assure the general public that the free market will take care of the climate crisis. 6. ??? 7. Profit!"

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