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Green, and Eco-Friendly

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Just Do It (UK)
"For one eventful year, Emily James was allowed unprecedented access to film the secretive world of environmental direct action. Two years later, Just Do It - a tale of modern-day outlaws is about to hit the big screen...."

K2Emo - Earth First!
"...Boycott Fur Products..."

Leslie James Pickering
"...a Founder and Spokesperson for the North American Earth Liberation Front Press Office, serving with the organization from early 2000 until the summer of 2002."

Life and Times of Rachel Carson, The
"... courageously spoke out to remind us that we are a vulnerable part of the natural world subject to the same damage as the rest of the ecosystem."

Living Green Magazine
"...an online publication that informs and educates readers on a range of environmental and lifestyle issues. We balance news stories with articles that highlight nonprofit causes and provide sustainable solutions for individuals, families, businesses, and communities."

Los Angeles Eco-Village
"Education, Training and Consulting for more sustainable neighborhoods: socially, economically, and ecologically..."

Lovearth Network
"...connect through 1000+ EcoHumanePoliticalSpiritual websites..."

Lowbagger.org: Environmental News and Opinion Leaders
"...an online journal that covers and comments on current events that affect the lifestyles and landscapes of outdoor-oriented people. Lowbagger puts the alternative back into alternative media. The site has a national audience and has published from Missoula, Mont. since January 2005."

Maui Sustainable Communities
"An Ecovillage is a community of people who strive to live sustainably...."

Mickey Z
"Warning: This blog has not been approved by the Department of Homeland Security...."

"Air, Energy, Farm, Food, Genetic Engineering, Health, Industry, Nuclear, Pesticides, Plastic, Political, Sustainability, Technology, Water..."

Monkey Wrench info: a monkeywrench of information
"The most shocking fact about war is that its victims and its instruments are individual human beings, and that these individual beings are condemned by the monstrous conventions of politics to murder or be murdered in quarrels not their own..."

"Mira Fong 房曼琪 is a free thinker and published writer for social and environmental justice. She has a degree in philosophy."

Nalat Phanit: Environmental Educator/Advocate
"My ambition is to educate the youths of America on various environmental issues and to inspire them to actively live an environmentally-conscious lifestyle. I also hope that my written stories and talks will encourage youths to volunteer in their communities or non-profit organizations to help their peers in need...."

National Environmental Directory, The
"This directory is the most complete and most comprehensive environmental directory in the United States."

Native Forest Action
"Lowland native forest generally have higher conservation value than higher altitude forest. This is because they are located on fertile soils..."

Natural History Book Service
"...the leading supplier of books and wildlife equipment for people all over the world passionate and expert in science, conservation and wildlife."

Naturally Savvy
"We created our information-based website to inform you on the basics of natural health. Living a naturally healthy lifestyle refers to using and consuming natural and organic and green products...."

Nature Lovers
"I'm a Chicago-based artist and photographer. My current project, 'Go Deep Into the Woods' explores the intersection of sex and nature."

New Society Publishers (NSP)
"...the activist publisher focused on solutions and social change. Our Books are tools to Build a New Society."

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