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Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Animal Rights Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 15

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Institute for Humane Education
"...dedicated to creating a humane world through humane education."

Interdisziplinäre Vorlesungsreihe Tierrechte (Germany)
"Welcher Unterschied zwischen Mensch und nichtmenschlichem Tier veranlasst uns dazu, ersterem Rechte zuzugestehen und letzterem nicht? Welcherart könnten Rechte für nichtmenschliche Tiere sein? Welche Rolle spielen Schmerz- und Leidensfähigkeit, Bewusstsein und Verhalten in diesem Zusammenhang?"

Intergalactical Animal Liberation Gathering
"This gathering is for activists of the whole world who are active for animal liberation or want to engage in the animal liberation movement from now on. The gathering's aim is to change information and experience as well as to unite activists from animal rights and animal liberation groups or projects...."

International Animal Rescue (IAR)
"We work with other like-minded organisations and government departments to develop sound legislation to protect animals from cruelty and neglect...."

International Animal Rights Conference (Luxemburg)
"We welcome all animal rights activists and all people who care about animals, the environment, and would like to learn more about animal rights in both theory and practice...."

International Campaigns (IC) (France)
"Structure militante laïque, progressiste, sans aucune confession ni appartenance religieuse ou à une quelconque secte, International Campaigns œuvre à la sensibilisation aux droits des animaux."

International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, The (ICVN)
"...designed to provide a review of the accumulated findings, and introduce theoretical concepts, practical applications, and implications of vegetarian dietary practices for both the prevention of disease and the promotion of health, as well as for the furthering of research endeavors."

International Fund for Animal Welfare
"...works to improve animal welfare..."

International Organization for Animal Protection (OIPA) (Portugal)
"O Salvador foi vítima de uma das maiores crueldades com que já nos deparámos na Animais de Rua. Todos os dias nos deparamos com animais vítimas de abandono, de negligência e de maus tratos, mas este é o caso mais grave de crueldade deliberada que já nos passou pelas mãos...."

International Primate Protection League
"...protecting the world's remaining primates..."

International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR)
"ISAR's founder, the late Helen Jones, was one of the few pioneers in what would decades later become known as the animal rights movement. She fervently believed that humans have a moral responsibility to animals that could be satisfied only by working for an end to their suffering and exploitation...."

International Vegetarian Union (IVU)
"...a growing global network of independent organizations which are promoting vegetarianism worldwide."

Irish Anti Vivisection Society (IAVS)
"We believe it is morally wrong to deliberately inflict pain, suffering, emotional harm and death on animals for whatever purpose. Animal experiments, by definition, cannot be separated from some degree of pain and suffering."

Jewish Vegetarians of North America (JVNA)
"Our Diet is Kiddush Hashem"

Jiv Daya Digest: Compassion to All Living Beings
"We aim at helping members of the Indian community to live by the principle of Ahimsa - fundamental to Indian philosophy -- in the American context. Having as our guiding motto, our objectives are to educate, promote, and support lifestyles that are harmless in theory and in practice."

Kidz Againts Vivisection (KAV)
"Welcome to KIDZ AGAINST VIVISECTION. Please sign our online petition and vivit the chat room to chat with other people against VIVISECTION.Thanks to all those who have helped create this site!"

Kind Green Planet
"...a nonprofit organization dedicated to educating people about healthy, humane, eco-friendly living. Through grassroots film screenings and workshops, activism and lifestyle coaching, and community programs, we empower people to make personal choices that align with their values of justice, peace, respect..."
http://www.kindgreenplanet.org/ ~ http://www.veganatheart.com/

Korea Animal Rights Advocates (KARA)
"...consists of a group of people living in Korea who believe that animals should be respected as sentient beings, with as much right as we have to live on this planet without suffering and tyranny."

Last Chance for Animals (LCA) (San Diego, California, USA)
"...an all-volunteer chapter of the non-profit organization Last Chance for Animals. Our mission is to educate the public about animal rights issues and to promote a cruelty-free vegan lifestyle."
http://www.lcasandiego.org/ ~ http://www.allveganshopping.com/

Last Chance for Animals
"...opposes the use of animals for scientific curiosity, entertainment, clothing, and food..."

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