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Animal Rights,
Vegetarian, and Vegan

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Animal Rights Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 15

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Mercy For Animals
"...animal rights organization promoting a vegetarian diet..."

Michigan Animal Rights Society (MARS)
"Yes, we're still active! Recently, we have been waging a campaign against the University of Michigan's Survival Flight Training course, offered by the U-M Health System...."

Michigan Rabbit Rescue (MRR)
"A not for profit organization that finds loving homes for rescued house rabbits...."

Midlands Animal Rights Coalition, The (MARC)
"...an informal network building mutual support between animal rights groups in the Midlands. We host regular meetings to network, discuss, plot and put ideas into action. Meetings are held to meet new people such as hunt sabs and veggie campaigners, plan 'skills days' where people can share ideas and skills..."

Midwest Rabbit Rescue & Re-home
"... rescues domestic rabbits that have been surrendered by their owners, abandoned or abused. We provide the rabbits housing and medical care at our facility in Plymouth, Michigan."

MIT Vegetarian Group
"...a very informal organization interested in vegetarian issues..."

National, Anti-Vivisection Society, The
"...promotes greater compassion, respect and justice for animals through educational programs based on respected ethical and scientific theory..."
http://www.navs.org/ ~ http://www.navs.org/site/PageServer?pagename=index

National Anti-Snaring Campaign (UK)
"Ban Snares and Traps"

National Anti-Vivisection Society, The (NAVS)
"...the world's first organisation campaigning against animal experiments having been founded in 1875 by Miss Frances Power Cobbe, a great humanitarian who published many leaflets and articles opposing animal experiments, and gathered many notable people of the day to support our cause."

National Institute for Animal Advocacy (NIFAA)
"Training animal advocates to win local and state laws that benefit animals..."

Nebraska Humane Society, The (NE Humane Society) (USA)
"...founded in 1875 and is the fifth oldest Humane Society in the United States! The organization was originally established for the protection of both animals and children. In the mid 1940's, state agencies began to embrace child welfare issues, leaving the Nebraska Humane Society as the sole organization within the Omaha area..."

New Dawn MT Farm Sanctuary
"...a farmed animal sanctuary and compassionate center..."

New England Anti-Vivisection Society, The (NEAVS)
"...a national animal advocacy organization, whose mission is to end the use of animals in research, testing and science education and replace it with scientifically superior and humane non-animal alternatives. NEAVS advocates for all animals in laboratories and classrooms through education, public outreach, legislation, policy change, and legal action."

New Hampshire Animal Rights League, The (NHARL)
"...founded in 1977 to help the animals of New Hampshire, be they on land, in the air, or in the water; and to protect all animals world-wide."

New York City Vegetarian Food Festival
"Foodies, locavores, vegetarians, vegans, flexitarians, and those who simply want to find out more about living a healthy, sustainable lifestyle, this is the festival for you! Vegetarian food companies, restaurants, and health and wellness vendors will congregate..."

New Zealand Anti-Vivisection Society (NZAVS)
"...against experiments on animals, as results from one species can not be predictively applied to any other species."

North American Animal Liberation Press Office (NAALPO)
"...takes a proactive stance to communicate the actions, strategies, and philosophy of the animal liberation movement to the media and the public."

North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS)
"...to provide a support network for our members, affiliated groups and vegetarians in general."

Northern Connecticut Vegetarian Society, The (NCVS)
"...seeks to advocate a compassionate and a healthful diet. They wish to provide support to vegetarians by building a community for them and all those interested in the benefits of vegetarianism."

North Shore Animal League America
"To build our hands-on rescue, rehabilitation and adoption efforts to save the lives of as many companion animals as possible - one at a time - and promote education to increase shelter adoptions, reduce animal cruelty and advance the highest standards in animal welfare."

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