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Philly Labor (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
"Labor Blog: Movements begin with the telling of untold stories."

Picket Management System
"...a computer program designed to manage the complex task of tracking union picket line participation."

Pioneer Valley Union News (PVUN)
"Unions are all about workers joining together to improve their jobs. The U.S. Government gives workers the right to form or join a labor union of their choosing in order to improve their working conditions. Each year, hundreds of thousands of workers successfully organize a union where they work...."

"Issues we explore include (but are not limited to): the global economy's impact on work and labor; new union organizing and political strategies; labor's new constituencies and their relationship to organized labor's traditional institutions..."

Progress Through Unity: In Unity There is Strength!
"If you would like to represent your local with a free website please contact..."

"... was developed and will continue to be updated based on information that you, the railroad worker, wants and needs."

"Richmond, Giant, Berkeley, Emeryville, West-Oakland, Parr Terminal, East Oakland, South-Oakland, Fruitvale, Melrose, Alameda, San Leandro, Elmhurst, Stonehurst..."

Real Union News, The
"...e-active, E-Activist, food supply, free trade, Global Health, immigration, Labor, Mexico, MSM, nafta, New York, NYCCLC, organizing..."

Reasons You Should Join the IAM
"Better wages, achieved through collective bargaining, job security, protection from 'At Will' terminations, hours of work and shifts..."

Resources for Labor Union Organizing (RLUO)
"...is designed to provide help to U.S. Workers in their efforts at organizing themselves and their co-workers into labor unions. It is also a resource for Union Leaders to assist in their operations, organizing, and bargaining efforts."

Rights For Interns (Britain)
"Good work experience can be a real benefit to people starting out in their careers. Many employers want to treat interns fairly, but others provide no real training or are just looking for cheap labour...."

Running Trades
"... a Voice for Canadian Railway Labour ..."

SAG Actor
"Because only through union solidarity can all workers be sure of safe working conditions, honest wages, benefits and protections. Because for over 75 years the names and images you have looked up to on the big screen and on television have been proud SAG members...."

Salt of the Earth Labor College
"...a school for working people like yourself. It's a place to come together and learn about the political, economic social and cultural forces shaping our lives."

Save Our Union
"... support the efforts to save the UTU from those who would deny the rights of our members to a fully-informed vote..."

Soldiers of Solidarity
"Where Information is Ammunition and Workers Fight to Win..."

"...labour web sites, the entire web..."

Solidarity Education Center
"Helping workers to know better what they already know and the conversion of this new knowledge and political consciousness into collective action are fundamental to building solidarity and working class power...."

Steun de Schoonmakers! (Support the Cleaners!)
"Blog van het steuncomité voor de stakende schoonmakers..."

STRIKES!: Labor and Labor History in the Puget Sound (Washington State, USA)
"This presentation resulted from a collaborative campus-wide project in early 1999 at the University of Washington to commemorate the eightieth anniversary of the Seattle General Strike of 1919 and the 65th anniversary of the Maritime Strikes of 1934...."

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