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Communism, and Collectivism

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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Socialism Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 9

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Metro DC Committee of Correspondence for Democracy and Eco-Socialism
"...promote social and political concerns including District of Columbia (DC) Statehood, economic and political justice issues, health care and human rights."

Metropolitan Atlanta Local Democratic Socialists of America (Georgia, USA)
"The convention was infused with excitement, energy and the spirit of Occupy Wall Street(OWS)...."

Milton Keynes & Northampton Communists: Fighting to reforge a Communist Party
"We are communists based in the Milton Keynes and Northampton area. We are supporters and members of the Communist Party of Great Britain. We stand for the self-emancipation of the working class, democracy and internationalism...."

Nava Sama Samaja Party (NSSP)
"No to War! No to Global Capital! Build a Left Alternative!"

New Communist Party of Britain
"...fighting for a world without exploitation."

New Socialist Alternative (India)
"...fights for socialism in India and worldwide..."

NSW Labor Party (Australia)
"A commitment to justice, fairness and equity for all supported by a strong economy is at the core of what Labor stands for. We believe a sound economy provides the platform for building prosperity, maintaining investment in public services and achieving social justice...."

NSW Young Labor (Australia)
"The organisation has a history spanning more than fifty years, with former Presidents including some of Australia's great Labor figures..."

Oregon Working Families Party (OWFP)
"...fights to improve the lives of working people and their families by focusing our government on things that make our jobs better, provide security for our families and prosperity for our communities."

Oxford Communists
"We are communists based in the Oxfordshire area. We are supporters and members of the Communist Party of Great Britain. We stand for the self-emancipation of the working class, democracy and internationalism...."

Oxfordshire Socialist Workers Party (OXSWP)
"Fight back against public sector cuts! Tax the bankers, make them pay for the crisis! Join the fight for International Socialism. Protect the planet...."

Pakistan Socialist Democratic Party
"Social Reforms, Social Human Rights, and a Social Welfare State"

Partido Communista de España (PCE)
"¡Solidaridad con los demócratas tunecinos!"

Partido de los Trabajadores Socialistas (Socialist Workers Party) (Argentina)
"Para los que luchamos por la revolución obrera y socialista..."

Patientenfront/Sozialistisches Patientenkollektiv (Socialist Patients' Collective) (Germany)
"Tun und Glücken kraft Kranksein Aus Krankheit stark!"

Peвoлюциoнный кoммуниcтичecкий coюз мoлoдeжи (RKSMB)
"Ho бoльшaя чacть мoлoдeжи пoкa инaя - зaдуpeннaя 'Eдинoй Poccиeй', буpжуaзными пapтиями, пoдкoнтpoльными им тeлeкaнaлaми и пpoчим бpeдoм, кoтopый для нopмaльнoгo и думaющeгo чeлoвeкa являeтcя oбpaзцoвoй пpoпaгaндoй пo Гeббeльcу."

Peace and Freedom Party
"...committed to socialism, democracy, ecology, feminism and racial equality. We represent the working class..."

Platypus Affiliated Society, The
"...organizes reading groups, public fora, research and journalism focused on problems and tasks inherited from the 'Old' (1920s-30s), 'New' (1960s-70s) and post-political (1980s-90s) Left for the possibilities of emancipatory politics today."

Poor Righteous Party of the Black Nation (PRPBN)
"...a revolutionary socialist working class vanguard party of a new type that is a defender of the poor Black, Brown, Red, and Yellow masses in the ghettoes throughout the hells of North America and the world."

Praxis Group, The: Fight the Man
"...a Minneapolis-based unit which stages site-specific, unsanctioned and unsolicited projects within the confines of public spaces which are privately owned. Using the particular rules established by a specific institution as well as incorporating the architectural site..."

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