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Busted! Drug War Survival Skills
"... dedicated to the bare-knuckled reality of the Drug War and the criminal justice system. Everything you need to know ... before it's too late."

California 420 Online Cannabis Community
"We as patients have been helping other patients and working collectively for many years now!"

California Cannabis Connection (CCC)
"This is a blog about the impact of medical marijuana laws on Dispensaries, Patients, & Caregivers in California...."

California Cannabis Party
"T-Shirts $15 and Buttons $3."

Cal Pot News
"...aggregates news and opinion articles about marijuana and related topics with a focus on California. Michael 'Bud' Green, a former newspaper reporter and editor, chimes in from time to time..."

Canadian Harm Reduction Network (CHRN)
"... the virtual meeting place for individuals and organizations dedicated to reducing the social, health and economic harms associated with drugs and drug policies."

CannaBible, The
"Books, Posters and Art by Jason King..."

cannabinoids, cannabis, marijuana and hemp
"'No one knows, when he places a marijuana cigarette to his lips, whether he will become a joyous reveller in a musical heaven, a mad insensate, a calm philosopher, or a murderer...' HARRY J ANSLINGER"

"Members, Videos, Pictures, Articles, Audio, Forums, Uploads..."

"...your National Directory for Medical Marijuana and Medical Cannabis Solutions."

Cannabis As Medicine
"Our intent is to provide the finest Medical Cannabis Research Journals, Articles & Information. Our intent is to disseminate the most critical information regarding the benefits of Medical Cannabis and the supporting community...."

Cannabis Campaigners Guide (CC Guide)
"Presenting cannabis medicine, hemp and its uses, cannabis religion, cannabis facts, cannabis studies, students page, cannabis politics, cannabis history, cannabis news..."

Cannabis Case Studies A-Z
"All Conditions Benefited by Medical Cannabis..."

Cannabis Chronicle, The
"Home, Hemp, Medicine, Videos, Events, Contact Us..."

Cannabis Chronicles
"Marijuana is a healthy and natural way to create harmony within the brain and therefore make the body healthier. The truth about marijuana needs to come out."

"...for Medical Marijuana Patients..."

Cannabis Consumers
"Tired of hiding in the closet ... or garage? It's time to come out now! 2,968 Cannabis Consumers have filled out our survey!"

Cannabis Cookbook, The
"A recipe resource for meals made with Marijuana Seeds: a cookbook for all your edible Cannabis Seeds needs...."

Cannabis Copilot
"Marijuana / Cannabis / Hemp, Medical Marijuana Reviews / Dispensary Reviews..."

Cannabis Corner with Carey Burns
"Host: James Burns..."

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