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California School Employees Association (CSEA)
"...represents 230,000 dedicated, extraordinary school support staff throughout California. CSEA members perform a wide range of essential work in our public schools and community colleges, including security, food services, office and clerical work..."

California Teachers Association (CTA)
"...one of the strongest advocates for educators in the country. CTA includes teachers, counselors, school librarians, social workers, psychologists, and nurses. These educators in the K-12 school system are joined by community college faculty, California State University faculty, and education support professionals..."

Campaign for Labor Rights (CLR)
"...to mobilize grassroots support throughout the United States to promote economic and social justice by campaigning to end labor rights violations around the world."

Campaign to Stop Killer Coke
"We need your help to stop a gruesome cycle of murders, kidnappings and torture of SINALTRAINAL (National Union of Food Industry Workers) union leaders and organizers involved in daily life-and-death struggles at Coca-Cola bottling plants in Colombia."

Canadian Auto Workers (CAW)
"... the largest private sector union in Canada with over 225,000 members from coast to coast."

Canadian Labour Congress (CLC)
"The Canadian Labour Congress brings together Canada's national and international unions, the provincial and territorial federations of labour and 130 district labour councils...."

Canadian Union of Postal Workers (CUPW)
"... a democratic union. CUPW members have a say every step of the way. They elect their own representatives. They help develop priorities for contract negotiations."

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) - Local 3903
"...constantly struggling to improve the working conditions of more than 3200 of its members. York promotes the funding package it offers to graduate students, but it is the members of CUPE 3903 who have fought hard to win the rights and benefits enshrined in our Collective Agreement."

Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE)
"...represents workers in health care, education, municipalities, libraries, universities, social services, public utilities, transportation, emergency services and airlines."

Carpenters for a Democratic Union International (CDUI)
"...to organize workers, to encourage an apprenticeship system and a higher standard of skill, to develop, improve and enforce the program and standards of Occupational Safety and Health, to cultivate friendship, to develop good public relations in the community..."

Carpenters Union BC (British Colombia, Canada)
"...an historical archive documenting the struggle for Canadian autonomy over the last 10 years...."

CAW National Council 4000
"... across Canada that represents over 5,300 members in various sectors, largely within the railway industry."

Center for Labor Renewal (CLR)
"Link individuals and organizations to a new space for progressive analysis and strategic action. Establish and support non-traditional popular education models and options for workers..."

Change to Win
"...5.5 million workers united in Change to Win to build a new movement of working people equipped to meet the challenges of the global economy and restore the American Dream in the 21st century..."

Chicago Federation of Labor (CFL) (Illinois, USA)
"...the umbrella organization for Chicago and Cook County's labor unions. From airline pilots to zookeepers, the Chicago Federation of Labor's 320 affiliated local unions and their half a million members represents a diverse group of working men and women throughout the area."

Chicago Labor & Arts Festival Blog, The (Illinois, USA)
"...to showcase art that celebrates the joys and struggles of working-class people; to continue the process of developing the annual festival; and to stimulate artists to respond, either individually or collectively, to the social challenges of the changing work and community environment."

Child Labor Coalition (CLC)
"...exists to serve as a national network for the exchange of information about child labor; provide a forum and a unified voice on protecting working minors and ending child labor exploitation..."

China Labor Watch (CLW)
"Social and economic justice is essential to universal, lasting peace; Freedom of expression and association are essential to sustainable progress; Poverty anywhere constitutes a threat to prosperity everywhere..."

China Labour Bulletin (CLB) (Hong Kong)
"... has grown from a small monitoring and research group into a proactive outreach organization that seeks to defend and promote the rights of workers in China."
http://www.clb.org.hk/ ~ http://www.china-labour.org.hk/

Civil Air Operations Officers' Association of Australia
"...to represent the industrial,technical and professional needs of Australian Air Traffic controllers and Air Traffic Control support staff."

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