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View the Archive of Inactive Websites for the Progressive Organizations Directory
Total Archived Links: 29

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Americans United For Change
"...has challenged the far right conservative voices and ideas that for too long have been mistaken for mainstream American values."

Amnesty International (UK)
"We are a campaigning organisation; it's what we do. Our purpose is to protect people wherever justice, fairness, freedom and truth are denied...."

Amnesty International (USA)
"Action For Human Rights. Hope For Humanity."
http://www.amnestyusa.org/ ~ http://www.700women.org/

Amnesty International
"Our supporters are outraged by human rights abuses but inspired by hope for a better world - so we work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity...."

Annie E. Casey Foundation, The (AECF)
"...to foster public policies, human-service reforms, and community supports that more effectively meet the needs of today's vulnerable children and families."

Anti-Injustice Movement, The (AIM)
"...a global movement of activists, political emcees and street poets who are fighting together to achieve the slow but steady destruction of global injustice."

Appalachian Community Fund, The (ACF)
"...provides resources and support to grassroots organizations working to overcome the underlying causes of poverty and injustice in Central Appalachia (East Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky, Southwest Virginia and West Virginia)."

Arc of Washington State, The (ARCWA)
"...to advocate for the rights and full participation of all people with developmental disabilities. Along with our network of members and chapters, we support and empower individuals and families; connect and inform individuals and families; improve support and service systems..."

Arcus Foundation
"...a leading global foundation advancing pressing social justice and conservation issues. Specifically, Arcus works to advance LGBT equality, as well as to conserve and protect the great apes."

AREA Chicago
"...supports the work of people and organizations building a socially just city. AREA actively gathers, produces, and shares knowledge about local culture and politics."

Arena (New Zealand)
"...an Aotearoa/New Zealand network of individuals and organizations committed to resist corporate 'globalization' in all its forms."

Arise Citizens' Policy Project (ACPP) (Alabama, USA)
"...a statewide nonprofit, nonpartisan coalition of 150 congregations and community groups and some 1,400 individuals united in their belief that low-income people are suffering because of state policy decisions."

Art of Regional Change
"...brings together scholars, students, artists, and community groups to collaborate on media arts projects that strengthen communities, generate engaged scholarship and inform regional decision-making."

Asian Center for the Progress of Peoples (ACPP) (Hong Kong, China)
"...a center to serve justice and peace efforts in Asia towards people's total liberation and development. Presently, ACPP mainly works for the Hotline Asia (HL) project as a response to the needs of grassroots, workers' and local action groups."

Association for Philosophy and Liberation (AFYL)
"...invites discussion of the nature, roles, and responsibilities of philosophy and philosophers today. It is committed to paying heed to the problems, conflicts, inequalities, and injustices connected with the development of a planetary civilization that is at once multicultural and techno-scientific."

Association for Progressive Communication (APC)
"...we don't get excited about the internet for the internet's sake. We are committed activists who want to use it to make the world a better place."

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN)
"... the nation's largest grassroots community organization of low- and moderate-income people with over 400,000 member families organized into more than 1,200 neighborhood chapters in about 75 cities across the country."

Atlantic Philanthropies, The
"Together with our grantees, we endeavour to make lasting changes for people who are disadvantaged by their economic situation, race, nationality, gender, age, disabilities, immigration status, sexual orientation, political affiliation or religion...."

Australian Democrats
"We should care for the world around us to sustain our resources, our economy and the well-being of future generations.... Our representatives should put the interests of people first, weighing all perspectives to develop fair, inclusive and lasting solutions...."

Australian Republican Movement (ARM) (Australia)
"We need all kinds of skills and people. Help out by donating your time or some skills..."

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Note: Being listed in the links directory does not mean endorsement. These links are provided as a reference for those who want to find ideas or people for changing the world.

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