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Libertarian, and Anti-Authoritarian

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People's Libertarian Index, A
"The Anarchist FAQ, Anarchists and Left-Libertarians, Liberty for the People (Anarchist Links and Theory)..."
http://flag.blackened.net/liberty/ ~ http://www.tigerden.com/~berios/libcom.html ~ http://www.tigerden.com/~berios/

Peppermint Iguana
"BACK STAGE AT PEPPERMINT IGUANA HQ: Gigs, Festivals, Parties, CDs, Books, Protests, travels, photography and Cardiff City FC..."

Periódico CNT (Spanish)
"Fundada en 1910 en Barcelona, a partir de la unión de las sociedades obreras no vinculadas a las corrientes socialdemócratas, la CNT sigue fiel a los principios anarcosindicalistas, y es la única heredera en el Estado español del espíritu de la Primera Internacional."
http://www.cnt.es/periodico ~ http://www.periodicocnt.org/

Phil Ochs Hompage
"...a prolific writer of protest songs..."

Philosopher's Stone, The
"As I observed in one of my books, in politics I am an anarchist, in religion I am an atheist, and in economics I am a Marxist...."

PiotrKropotkin.Blogspot.com: Anarchist Blog
"I am a shop assistant and work in the centre of Warsaw. Going to describe truth only. I try to write on libcom. Created this blog to have a place for my 'stuff' and short comments. Enjoy:)"

Planes For Baskets
"...the re-thinking of national liberation struggles, and the formalizing of Anarchist People of Color (APOC) tendencies."

PM Press
"We seek to create radical and stimulating fiction and non-fiction books, pamphlets, t-shirts, visual and audio materials to entertain, educate and inspire you...."

"...a translation project, created to reinforce links between struggles that take place on other Territories, in other languages. In order to introduce the fights from here, and to make easier the exchange; to spread information from the daily and social war; against prisons, and for a solidarity network."

PolyArchy - PolyArchie - PoliArchia - PoliArquia
"On the Social Sciences as Social Scam and the Social Scientists as Social Scoundrels..."

"I hope these writings become both useful and contested for people interested in the present and past implications of feminism, anarchism, love, nature, etc..."

Porcupine Blog
"A blog devoted to my interests which include anarchism and social movements, history, archeology, and anything else..."

Pork-Bolter, The
"Our message is 100% organic, grown in the soil of our own local history, and has neither been genetically modified by sinister american corporations or chemically sterilised by corrupt centralised political parties..."

Portal Libertario Oaca (Spanish)
"Con los años, nos hemos ido formando técnica e ideológicamente y hemos conseguido difundir a cientos de miles de personas de todo el mundo artículos y pensamientos basados en posturas humanistas y libertarias...."
http://www.portaloaca.com/ ~ http://www.iespana.es/oaca/

Positive Anarchy
"Commentary on philosophy, political economy, technology, and more, from an Aristotelian market anarchist perspective..."

Post-Anarchism Anarchy
"A Journal of Post-Anarchist Thought..."

Power to the People
"... features daily news and analysis written from a socialist and anarchist perspective, and commentary on culture, theory, history, and politics...."

Practical Anarchy
"...put a little anarchy into your life..."

"The libertarians are right about economics and politics. The Greek philosophers are right about everything else...."

Press Action
"...an online publication of news analysis and commentary, based in the Washington, D.C., area. It focuses on the environment, civil liberties, empire and other top issues of the day."

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