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Brennan Center for Justice
"... encourages efforts to reduce racial disparities in the criminal justice system."

Brighton Anti-Fascists (UK)
"We are an independent group, based in Brighton, that formed as a response to increased nationalist and fascist activity during 2010. We are willing to confront any fascist/racist activities in our area, by encouraging mass direct action amongst other methods...."

Bristol Antifa
"Working Class Unity Against Fascism!"

Brown Berets - New Mexico
"...Survival | Infiltrators, Saboteurs | Images & Media..."

Brown Berets National Organization, The: To Serve, Observe, And Unite!
"There are a lot of questions about the Brown Berets. Mainly who are they and what do they do."

CAAAV: Organizing Asian Communities
"...was founded by Asian women in 1986 as one of the first organizations in the United States to mobilize Asian communities to counter anti-Asian violence."

Calgary Centre for Culture, Equity and Diversity (CCCED)
"...an organization dedicated to enabling leaders, practitioners and citizens to be more effective in their diversity work. CCCED delivers a range of diversity development services to individuals and organizations including..."

California African American Museum (CAAM)
"...where the past and future meet..."

Californians for Justice
"...a statewide grassroots organization working for racial justice..."
http://www.caljustice.org/ ~ http://www.caljustice.org/cfj_live/index.php

Campaign For Racial Equality at Oxford University
"This blog contains information regarding a campaign to address the lack of commitment to racial equality at Oxford University. Evidence will be provided through Freedom Of Information requests, press reports and personal experiences of Black students and employees of Oxford University colleges."

Catalyst Project
"We are committed to anti-racist work in majority white sections of left social movements with the goal of deepening anti-racist commitment in white communities and building multiracial left movements for liberation."

Celts Against Oppression, Racism and Neo-Nazism (CAORANN)
"...a group of concerned, anti-racist Celtic Reconstructionists and allies who are determined to not let these bigots steal our traditions, hijack our image or harm other cultures by disguising their thefts as 'Celtic'. We join together to strategize, raise awareness, and fight racism and cultural appropriation..."

Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR)
"...dedicated to advancing and protecting the rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Founded in 1966 by attorneys who represented civil rights movements in the South..."

Center for Equal Opportunity (CEOUSA)
"... America always has been a multiethnic and multiracial nation, and is becoming even more so; this makes it imperative that our national policies not divide our people according to skin color and national origin..."

Center for Immigration and Multicultural Studies (CIMS)
"... a resource for visiting scholars, students and the media through its extensive holdings of information and publications."

Center for Justice, Tolerance, and Community, The (CJTC) (Santa Cruz, California, USA)
"...a progressive, applied research institute that focuses on issues of social and economic justice, dialogues across diversity, and the building of collaborative communities. Our faculty affiliates tackle a broad range of issues including the roots of prejudice, the sources of economic inequality, and the obstacles to the building of community."

Center for the Healing of Racism: Internalize Oneness (CFHR)
"To facilitate the healing of racism through education and dialogue in a safe and supportive environment, in order to empower individuals and transform communities."

Center for the Study of White American Culture
"To build an equitable society in the United States by decentering white culture and centering an anti-racist multiracial culture free of white supremacy...."
http://www.euroamerican.org/ ~ http://www.wacan.org/

Center for Third World Organizing (CTWO)
"...dedicated to building a social-justice movement led by people of color..."

Centre for Race and Culture (CFRAC)
"...works within the community to promote and support individual, collective, and systemic change to address racism and encourage intercultural understanding. Our expertise spans workplace development, community building, research, and education."

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