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Green, and Eco-Friendly

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"Browse or Search for resources for professional development, climate change, global warming, lesson plans, endangered species, national and international events, jobs, activities for the classroom, and more."

"Web Resources for Environmental Justice Activists..."

ELF Press Office
"Earth Liberation Front Burns Earth Destroying Machine in Guadalajara, Mexico..."

Encyclopedia of Earth (EoE)
"...an electronic reference about the Earth, its natural environments, and their interaction with society."

Endangered Species of Hawaii
"Hawaii has so many unique native plants and animals, but they are in serious trouble."

Endangered Specie
"Spread the word about endangered species and increase public awareness!"

Energy Hog
"Your energy bill is one bill that you CAN control...."

"...uses the power of video, the internet and free software technologies to create social and environmental change."

EnviroLink Network, The
"The Online Environmental Community..."

Environmental Information Service on the World Wide Web
"...full text updates from the comprehensive news service of The Environment Digest, the Conservation Foundation's media diary of forthcoming events, information about The Ecologist magazine..."

Environmental Issues in American Literature
"'Why Look at Animals?', all over creation, American Forests, animals, Anthropomorphi, apocalypse..."

Environmental Justice Information Page, The
"...to students and the general public about Environmental Justice and about some of the current topics."

Environmental Justice Resource Center, The (at Clark Atlanta University)
"To link via the internet people of color groups, organizations, institutions, networks that are working on environmental justice..."

Environmental Life Force (ELF) (The Original)
"The original eco-guerrilla combat unit. An interview with ELF founder, John Hanna: the first person to serve prison time for using direct action to defend Earth against pesticides. In the interview, he discusses ELF's origins, tactics and the consequences of direct action...."

Environmental News Network (ENN)
"...in a world where these issues have migrated to the mainstream, we are looking forward and asking: what more can we do to help?"

Environmental Research Foundation (ERF)
"... founded in 1980 to support grass-roots activists working on toxics and social justice issues locally, regionally and nationally."

Environment and Planning
"...concerned with all aspects of the evolution of space and spatial arrangement, from the environment and nature through planning and policy to theory and design."

Environment Directory, The
"...the result of a group of hard working people dedicated to helping others keep in touch and informed on the World Wide Web."

"Actions You Can Take, Articles, Educational Resources, E-Mail Lists, Events, General Info, Government Resources, Jobs & Volunteering..."

"The open resource for Environmentalists and Social Justice Activists..."

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